Tuesday, May 19, 2009

seminar reflection for the thing
One of the things that I found interesting was when we talked about the role of the media.I thought what molly said about how the media was always pushing the generals was a good representation of how society is.It seems that the media delves into things that it shouldn’t, just because everyone is looking for the next groundbreaking story. But then I thought about how that is the only way that anything ever gets found out. I thought specifically about Watergate.I also thought about how the reporter just happened to be there in the movie. It could be argued that the reporter didn’t delve at all, but in fact the story fell on him.
Another issue that was addressed was the issue of whether the scientist was caring about mankind or himself. I believe that it was a combination of both.On the one hand, he was very irresponsible by trying to turn off the generator and endangering everyone else’s lives. On the other hand, he wanted to communicate with the thing because he wanted everyone to benefit the knowledge of it.

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